Navel Gazer (2016)
Vinyl cloth, clothes pins

Smush (2016)
Glass windows, cinder blocks, clay, marker

Shroud of Turin w/ Nips (2016)
Found cloth, bleach, push pins

Caught (2016)
Glass windows, latex
40x30x5 inches

Slump (2016)
Found cloth, clothes pins, tacks
96x72 inches

Paul Ryan's Torso (2017)
Cardboard, tacks, found spandex, clay nipples, nametag, American flag pin, plastic figurine, sticker
30x24 inches

Inflatable Hunk (2017)
Scan of inflatable hunk novelty item
14x12 inches

Muscle Man (2016)
Clay, plexiglas, acrylic pigment, clothes pins
72x36x2 inches

Rosy Palms (Caught Red Handed (artist print)) (2016)
Plastic laminate, latex gloves, clay, acrylic pigment
11x8.5 inches each

Thousand Yard Stare (ASCII Doll) (2017)
Text, ASCII Generator

Digital Model: Monument to Artists Named Richard