Choir House, acrylic, gouache, oil, wood, lath, glass tile, paper pulp, air-dry clay, primer, 108x97x9.75 inches, 2019.
Choir House, acrylic, gouache, oil, wood, lath, glass tile, paper pulp, air-dry clay, primer, 108x97x9.75 inches, 2019.
Detail view of Choir House
Graveyard, air-dry clay, primer, wood, plaster, sheetrock, 48x24x30 inches, 2019.
Graveyard, air-dry clay, primer, wood, plaster, sheetrock, 48x24x30 inches, 2019.
Tree, gouache, acrylic, primer, spray paint, burlap, aluminum mesh, paper pulp, plaster, lath, wood, 78x48x24 inches, 2019.
Detail view of Tree.
Lack of Magic, oil on wood panel, 10x8 inches, 2019.
Spring Peepers, oil on canvas, 10x8 inches, 2019.
Placebo Singer, oil on canvas, 10x8 inches, 2019.
Burial, oil on paper pulp on canvas, 8x10 inches, 2019.
Parachute, plaster gauze, primer, gouache, twine, 12x12x6 inches, 2019.
Detail view of Graveyard.